Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tip of the Week - Squat Exercises

    This week I'm attaching a link to a video from the that shows how to properly do squat exercises.  It's important to do any exercise properly so you don't injure yourself.  This video shows in good detail how to properly do squats.  These exercises target the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles.  Strengthening these muscles can help protect your knees and boost your performance in a variety of sports.

     If you can start an exercise like this one and keep it going for 30 days, it can become a part of your regular routine.  It can help you stay fit and healthy.  You can also share this with a friend and you can remind each other to do this regularly.  Eventually, you can add more exercises to change up your routine and it can become fun.   And building these muscles can make other activities easier and more enjoyable.  Keep this up with your walking and you might begin to notice a difference in your overall health. Click below to watch the video.

Video: Squat exercise

In case the link to the video ever changes, I'm attaching a transcript of the video below:

Dr. Laskowski: The squat is a body resistance exercise that works the leg muscles. Specifically, the squat targets the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles. Strengthening these muscles can help protect your knees and boost your performance in a variety of sports.
Nicole Krupa: To do a squat, stand with your feet slightly greater than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing ahead. Slowly descend, bending through the hips, knees and ankles. Stop when your knees reach a 90-degree angle. Then return to the starting position. You'll feel tension in your legs and buttocks.
When you're doing squats, keep your back in a neutral position. Don't flatten the curve of your lower back, and don't arch your back in the other direction. Make sure that your knees stay centered over your feet on the way down. Don't let your knees roll inward or outward. If you can't bend your knees to a 90-degree angle, simply go as low as you can. Use your arms for balance and support. Stop when you're fatigued or your form begins to suffer.
For most people, one set of 12 to 15 repetitions is adequate.
Remember, for best results, keep your back in a neutral position and your abdominal muscles tight during the exercise. Keep your knees centered over your feet on the way down. Also, remember to keep your movements smooth and controlled.

Mayo Clinic's award-winning consumer Web site offers health information and self-improvement tools.'s medical experts and editorial professionals bring you access to the knowledge and experience of Mayo Clinic for all your consumer health information needs, from cancer, diabetes and heart disease to nutrition, exercise and pregnancy.

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